Correcting TrackChair Paper RecordsMontréal VTC Logo

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Final program data is taken directly from TrackChair. Check and update the TrackChair record against the final version of your paper.

TrackChair Terms and Conditions Update

In May 2017, IEEE VTS will take over the running of TrackChair from the its original developer, RandomOracle Ltd. Since this will mean that the ownership of your profile will change, we need users to agree to updated Terms and Conditions. The conditions of use of your data will remain the same, and in particular, your data will only be used for conference management, and it will not be sold or passed on to others. The only change is that VTS will take over from RandomOracle in May 2017.

Next time you log in to TrackChair you will be offered the opportunity to accept the new Terms and Conditions.

You have the right to decline these new terms, in which case your account will be deleted next May, and your data not transferred. This will have no effect on your paper to the Montreal conference, but if you submit a paper to VTC2017-Spring in Sydney, you will need to create a new account.

Your profile contains your name, affiliation, and email address – this is the data being transferred. Your profile also contains records of the papers you have submitted. Whether you agree to the new conditions or not, you are free to delete your account, and therefore profile, at any time.

If you have any questions please contact James Irvine.


VTS policy requires that if an author is a Track Chair or a TPC member, their name MUST be in the TrackChair record for peer review. Authors may be added to the paper after peer review and before final submission, UNLESS the person added is a Track Chair or TPC member.

List all author names in TrackChair prior to final submission. To add an author:

  1. Go to the TrackChair paper record
  2. Click Update under Author list

Ensure authors names and affiliations are spelled correctly (accented characters are allowed) with initial caps (not all caps).

Be consistent with affiliation names amongst co-authors, and use the common full name of the institution or company, as this makes it much easier for the volunteers who edit the program. For example, these variations on the affiliation are all different and cannot be automatically consolidated:

  • The University of Strathclyde
  • University of Strathclyde
  • University Of Strathclyde
  • University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
  • Strathclyde University

To change how your own name or affiliation appears:

  1. Go to My Profile
  2. Click Alter these details in the left of the page in the middle

The Accepted Paper List is updated weekly on Monday morning. Any changes made in TrackChair paper records will be reflected the following Monday.

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