Call For DemosSan Francisco VTC Logo

Pictures of San Francisco




Submission Deadline: Passed
Submission will open shortly:
Submission requirements: 2-page paper

Acceptance notification: 29 April 2011
Final paper submission: 13 June 2011

Together with the poster session, WIVEC2011 will feature a demo session designed to allow industrialists and researchers to showcase their latest industrial applications and research prototypes in topics related to the event's subject areas. Poster and demo sessions will be co-located to ensure maximum visibility and a close interaction between presenters and participants.

WIVEC2011 seeks demo proposals covering innovative technologies, platforms, analysis tools and applications related to wireless vehicular communications. Submissions describing both mature or innovative systems and prototypes developed for commercial use or for research purposes, from industries or universities, are encouraged.

Download the WIVEC2011 template
Authors are encouraged to submit demo papers to .

The submitted demo proposal should be a 2-page paper following the WIVEC2011 paper format:

  1. Title, authors and contact information
  2. Technical content to be demonstrated
  3. An overview of the demonstration set-up (the inclusion of photographs of the demonstrator are encouraged) and the results that will be shown to attendees
  4. Any URLs that link to screen-shots, live demos, or related information

Requests for all equipment and/or facilities (power outlets, Internet connections, table dimensions, etc.) should be sent to the Demos Chair Vinuth Rai. Every effort will be made to accommodate presenters; however, some flexibility may be required. Demonstrations may be supported by a poster describing the general set-up of the demonstration, its background, and the technical content to be demonstrated. Demo participants should inform the Demos Chair if an accompanying poster will be presented.

Demonstrations will be selected based on their novelty, technical quality, and attractiveness of the demonstrated system. Accepted demonstrations will be included in IEEE Xplore and the
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conference CDROM.

Please note that for every accepted demonstration, at least one person must register for the conference and present the demo. However, no additional paper charge is needed for authors that are already presenting a regular paper in WIVEC2011.

Contact Demos Chair Vinuth Rai with any questions.

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